Welcome to Desert Sun Training, where equestrian excellence begins. Our tailored lessons cater to riders of all levels, providing a comprehensive range of experiences.
Riding Lessons
From novice to advanced, we provide personalized guidance for riders of all skill levels. Unleash your riding potential with us!
Dressage Lessons
From foundational skills to advanced maneuvers, our trainer will guide you toward a harmonious partnership with your horse, unlocking the elegance of this disciplined art.
Show Jumping Lessons
From fundamentals to advanced techniques, we will guide you and your horse through the exhilarating world of precision and agility. Join us and discover the joy of conquering obstacles with style and grace.
Cross-Country Lessons
We will guide you and your horse through challenging terrain, building confidence and skill. Navigating natural obstacles and mastering the art of cross-country riding. Join us for an adventure beyond the arena!